Monday, 03 March 2014 |
Researches of the Software Engineering Department have taken part in Embedded World 2014 in cooperation with Open Source Automation Development Lab (OSADL) on 25-27 February, Nuremberg, Germany. At the exhibition ISPRAS presented tools and technologies for verification and testing of software and hardware. For Linux kernel space verification we presented: - Linux Driver Verification Tools complementing static analysis tools using advanced verification techniques that provide extra precision and depth of source code analysis.
- KEDR framework facilitating dynamic (runtime and post factum) analysis of Linux kernel modules including device drivers, file systems, etc. As a part of framework it includes Leak Checker and Fault Simulator tools.
- Race Hound - a run-time race condition detection tool for the Linux kernel.
- Linux File System Verification project providing exhaustive test suites for Linux file system drivers.
For testing hardware models we presented: - C++TESK - an open-source C++-toolkit aimed to facilitate functional verification of Register-Transfer-Level hardware designs.
- MicroTESK - a reconfigurable (retargetable and extendable) model-based test program generator for microprocessors and other programmable devices.
Also we demonstrated the following test suites:
- Test suite for kernel interfaces of ARINC-653 real-time operating systems for on-board avionics.
- "Mathematics" test suite for mathematical functions of POSIX/IEEE-754/ISO 60559:2011 specifications.
- LSB certification tests aimed to check if system libraries meet the requirements of Linux Standard Base.
Design Automation Conference 2013 |
Monday, 10 June 2013 |
On June, 2-6 research workers of the Software Engineering Department Mikhail Chupilko, Andrey Tatarnikov and Aleksey Kamkin attended the University Booth at the Design Automation Conference held in Austin, TX, USA. They defended workshop report on theme “C++TESK and MicroTESK Hardware Verification Toolkits”.
More information is available here. |
Saturday, 01 June 2013 |
The 7th Spring/Summer Young Researcher’ Colloquium on Software Engineering (SYRCoSE 2013) was held in Kazan, Russia in May 30-31, 2013. The event was organized by Institute for System Programming of RAS, Saint-Petersburg State University and Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev (KNRTU-KAI), former Kazan Aviation Institute (KAI). It was supported by Intel, Russian Foundation for Basic Research and Nizhny Novgorod Foundation for Education and Research Assistance.
Mikhail Chupilko, Alexander Protsenko made report on theme “Recognition and Explanation of Incorrect Behavior in Simulation-Based Hardware Verification”. Alexander Kamkin, Tatiana Sergeeva (Institute for System Programming of RAS), Andrei Tatarnikov and Artemiy Utekhin (Moscow State University) made report on theme “MicroTESK: An Extendable Framework for Test Program Generation“. Ilja Zakharov, Vadim Mutilin, Eugene Novikov and Alexey Khoroshilov made report on theme “Generating Environment Model for Linux Device Drivers“. Nikita Komarov made report on theme “On the Implementation of Data-Breakpoints Based Race Detection for Linux Kernel Modules“.
More information is available here. |
Model-Based Testing Workshop 2013 |
Monday, 25 March 2013 |

Researches of the Software Engineering Department participated in the 8th Model-Based Testing Workshop held in Rome, Italy on the 19 of March. The workshop was associated with ETAPS conference and hosted by Sapienza University of Rome. One section report on theme "Runtime Verification Based on Executable Models: On-the-Fly Matching of Timed Traces" was delivered by Mikhail Chupilko and Alexander Kamkin. Victor Kulamin made report with Jens Grabowski (University of Gottingen, Germany), Alain-Georges Vouffo Feudjio (Thales, Germany), Antal Wu-Hen-Chang (Ericsson, Hungary) and Milan Zoric (ETSI, France) on theme "Towards the Usage of MBT at ETSI". Further information is available here. |
Monday, 24 December 2012 |
The 7th Spring/Summer Young Researcher’ Colloquium on Software Engineering (SYRCoSE 2013) will be held in Kazan, Russia in May 30-31, 2013. The event is organized by Institute for System Programming of RAS, Saint-Petersburg State University and Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev (KNRTU-KAI), former Kazan Aviation Institute (KAI). It is supported by Intel, Russian Foundation for Basic Research and Nizhny Novgorod Foundation for Education and Research Assistance. We invite students, post-graduates and young PhDs (up to 35 years of age) to participate the colloquium. More information is available here.
ETSI Model-Based Testing User Conference |
Tuesday, 02 October 2012 |
On September 25-27, 2012 research worker of the Software Engineering Department Victor Kuliamin attended the ETSI Model-Based Testing User Conference, held in Tallinn, Estonia. For more information about the conference click here. |
Friday, 29 June 2012 |
On 11-14 June 2012 research worker of the Software Engineering Department Nikolay Pakulin made a presentation on “Networked testbed for hybrid systems” at the EU-Russian Workshop held in St. Petersburg, Russia. |
11th ETSI TTCN-3 User Conference |
Monday, 18 June 2012 |
On 11-14 June 2012 research worker of the Software Engineering Department Nikolay Pakulin attended the 11th ETSI TTCN-3 User Conference and Model Based Testing Workshop held in Bangalore, India. At the conference Nikolay made a presentation on “ETSI Update on TTCN-3 Language Evolution and Tool Conformance Testing” and gave a talk at seminar “Integrated Modular Avionics - a New Challenge for MBT” . |
Thursday, 24 May 2012 |
On May, 30-31 Spring Young Researchers Colloquium on Software
Engineering (SYRCoSE) will take place in Perm, Russia. SYRCoSE is a
colloquium on software engineering targeted at young researchers
(students, postgraduates, young PhD specialists, etc.). The main goal of
the colloquium is to help young specialists to meet each other, to get
more information on work of their colleagues, to exchange their
experience, and to practice in presenting their results at international
conferences and workshops. All works are reviewed by the committee. The
working language of the colloquium is English. |
Meeting of the working group on the standardization of the model based testing |
Monday, 21 May 2012 |
On May, 14 in Germany research worker of the Software Engineering Department Victor Kuliamin attended the meeting of the Working group on the standardization of the model based testing issues.
Also a regular meeting of the Working group on the using of the model based testing for the creation of the tests for telecommunication protocols standards checking was held on May, 14-18 in Germany. |