
CTESK toolkit includes tools for test development, execution and result analysis. These tools can be used in both Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0 IDE and command line.

SeC translator

In the CTESK technology, SeC (Specification Extension of C) language is used for test development. Using SeC leads to faster test development, reduced test complexity due to constructs of SeC language that “hide” too complex technical aspects required for testing. The SeC language is a superset of the C language, and thus is preserves power and flexibility of the C language.

A program written in SeC should be translated into C that in its turn is compiled into an executable module. The compilation of C code can be performed using the platform’s standard development tools. The SeC to C translation is performed by the CTESK tool called SeC translator.

Report Generator

During an execution a test developed in CTESK traces various events such as test oracle invocation, hit of some coverage element, detection of inconsistency between an implementation and its specification. The CTESK report generator gathers information about all these events and makes a report about test execution.

A CTESK test report is an HTML document containing the following:

  • The name of the test, the time of its start and finish;
  • Functions that were tested by the test;
  • Whether implementation conforms to its specification;
  • Additional information about found defects that might help to identify it (if any);
  • Total coverage for tested functions performed by this test.

Software requirements

CTESK toolkit is intended for work at any platform supported JRE (Java Runtime Environment) 1.4 (can be downloaded from and ANSI C89,C99–compatible compiler.

CTESK toolkit has been tried in the following configurations:

  • Operating systems Windows 98/Me/2000/XP with
    • Microsoft Visual C 6.0 Service Pack 3
    • gcc 3.3 (under Cygwin 1.5.7)
  • Operating systems RedHat GNU Linux 7.3, 9.0, Debian GNU Linux 3.0 with gcc 3.0 and later.
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