The training course is designed for testers who use CTESK technology to develop tests.
Course objective is acquiring required skills and habits for test development based on formal specifications by means of CTESK technology, including the following aspects:
- formal specification development;
- test scenario development;
- generation of test system components;
- manuall tuning of test system components;
- test system debugging;
- test execution and test results analysis.
The course is a combination of active involvment of participants into activity with gradual and accurate presentation of information. The course develops from general info to more specific.
The course is based on the following principles:
- taking into account individual learning styles;
- using skills of active attending;
- opportunity to ask questions;
- feedback.
The course consists of the following kinds of studies:
- traditional lectures (required theoretical stuff);
- instructive lectures (to give acquaintance with coming practice task and steps of task executions);
- practical work with the toolkit;
- individual consultations by instructors;
- project activity on program testing.
We offer the following training courses:
- Basic course of test development with CTESK goes on 4–5 days (8 hours of instructive lectures, 24 hours of practical work, 1 computer for each student, no more than 4 students);
- Course Formal methods of testing and UniTESK approach for test development goes on 3 days (26 hours of theoretical lectures, 6 hours of tools demonstration, no more than 30 students);
- Course UniTESK test development technology and its use in practice goes on 4 days (16 hours of theoretical lectures, 8 hours of instructive lectures, 4 hours of tools demonstration, 4 hours of practical work, 1 computer per two students, no more than 10 students).