In 2006 research on UniTESK technology development in the following directions was started.
- Test development for mathematical functions working with floating-point numbers.
- Test development for units of pipelined architecture microprocessors.
- Application of model checking techniques in testing of component distributed systems.
Research on the following previously elaborated topics went on.
- Automation of complex structured data generation for testing of software working with databases, XML documents, or documents in other formal languages.
- Automation of test program generation for programming languages static semantics checkers.
- Automation of structural test generation based on genetic algorithms and logic programming methods.
- Development of theoretical basis of formal testing methods for component systems.
Results of this research and the previously conducted one lead to upholding of 4 PhD theses under supervision of Dr.Sc. A. K. Petrenko on the following topics.
- Specification and testing of components with asynchronous interface - A. V. Khoroshilov.
- Formalization of standards and conformance test suites for Internet protocols - N. V. Pakulin.
- Automated generation of tests for semantic checkers in translators - M. V. Arkhipova.
- Object-oriented description of graph representation for programs and models - A. V. Demakov.
On the base of the research results 8 talks was conducted on international conferences MBT 2006, PSI 2006, SEC(R) 2006, MSIT 2006, ISOLA 2006.
Besides, UniTESK technology was successfully used in 2006 in several industrial and development projects.
- Development of OLVER test suite for testing conformance to Linux Standard Base 3.1.
- Development of test suite based on formal specifications of the real-time operating system OS 2000.
- Test development for enterprise integration system of major telecommunication company.
- Development of conformance test suite for IPsec protocol.